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Thursday 22 July 2021

Split level

The upstairs space at Salts Works, run by design studio Split, is being offered as a co-working space and meeting room, an alternative to the kitchen table / spare room / bit of windowsill that many people have had to use to work from during this past eighteen months. With desk space, a superfast internet connection, a kitchen and excellent free coffee, I imagine it may appeal to creative entrepreneurs who don't want to have to commute to Leeds but do want to escape from home, at least for a few days a week, into a warm, supportive and convenient shared community workspace.   


  1. At least one person in this village is working from a bench on the recreation ground; I saw them this morning.

  2. Sounds like a good plan for some folks.

  3. Beautiful environment for work.

  4. When I sat on these wheeled office chairs at work I always seemed to travel backwards. So I found one with a chrome rail, very comfy!
