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Wednesday 16 March 2022

Crocus spectacular

In mid-March the crocus bulbs are at their peak in Bradford's Lister Park. I usually make an annual 'pilgrimage' to see them. Years ago when I was a student I used to walk through the park on the way to lectures. Later I lived right opposite and was lucky enough to have a grandstand view of them from my window. They do lift my spirits. Over the years, they have spread and become even more dense so that now it really is a spectacular carpet of purple and white, enlivened with little patches of yellow here and there.  Like bluebells, it's hard to do them justice in photos. 

When the crocuses fade, the daffodils will flower, though there are not as many of those. At this time of year I find it's tricky to keep up with posting current photos. Hold them back a couple of weeks and everything looks different! In a few days I'll be showing you snowdrops that I photographed only two weeks ago - and they are just about over now. 


  1. So beautiful...I know, spring just seems to dump beauty on us all around...after a drought of color all winter!

  2. Amazing. I have never seen so many all together. I just spotted one flower bud poking through the soil this morning.

  3. These first flowers of Spring are always so welcome and lovely and all in my favorite color of purple. How fortunate you are to see so many as well, Jenny.
