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Friday 4 March 2022

Ghostly goings-on!

Whilst I was walking at Fewston recently, I took a photo of the attractive little church of St Andrew's. From a distance it reminds me a bit of the churches I saw in Iceland, which often have a boxy spire. I decided it could stand a bit of 'playing' - so here I've removed some of the trees and telegraph wires around it and added a grave, birds and some textures, just for fun. It makes it look a good deal more spooky than the reality. 


  1. Ah, there you are. You were the latest in my blog losing my new posts from bloggers I follow. So I chased down your post from yesterday a nd found this. A bit like a painting, rather than photograph. I kind of like it, but couldn't have it around on my wall...too spooky!

  2. This would make a great card for the fall and I was thinking of Halloween, specifically.
