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Tuesday 8 March 2022

A clear up

The owners of the site alongside Hirst Lock have, I gather, been ordered by the Council to clear it. It was, for a while, a garden centre with greenhouses. That closed down and became derelict, with rubble, brambles and broken glass all over the place - rather dangerous. There have been applications to build housing on the site but these have been turned down because of the amenity value (right beside the lock) and the fact that the only access is over a narrow swing bridge over the canal. Although there are a few dwellings on that side (there used to be cottages and a mill, now residential) they have decided it cannot support more development of that kind. I'm not sure what the long term plans for the site will be, but at least someone appears to have made a start on clearing the debris. I posted photos of what it used to look like HERE