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Wednesday, 24 March 2021

The beauty of a newly dug patch

I'm no gardener myself yet I do get a thrill of pleasure from seeing other people's efforts. Walking past these allotments on the way into Bingley, I was pleased and somehow comforted by the newly dug earth and the spring flowers coming into bloom. There's a lot wrong with the world - but also a lot right with it. Nature unfolds year on year, mostly quite reliably and - in a world of unknowns and chaos - just to notice that and rest a while with it is somehow soothing. 


  1. It must be wonderful to have one of these plots and watch your garden grow while making friends with everyone around you.

  2. We have some of these here and there for city gardeners.

  3. As a child I recall my young father "Digging for Victory" in the form of potatoes in our allotment. In the cold wind he wore his warm RAF flying jacket. Then all could see he had "done his bit".

  4. Allotments known here as community gardens, are rewarding to have. Gardening is healthy.
