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Friday 2 April 2021

The road less travelled

Roberts Park was so packed with people on the lower field last weekend that I chose a route that meanders around along the top boundary, beyond the promenade. It was a lot less crowded up there. Despite the pleasant sunshine it was still cold and rather breezy, so it was a brisk 'exercise walk' rather than a saunter. The paths curve quite pleasingly around lawns and flower beds, as this quick phone shot shows. I've played around with the image to make it look a bit dreamy, which suited my weekend mood. 


  1. A lovely photograph celebrating the beauty of your local park. There was a very telling photo on the BBC website a couple of days ago. It was supposed to show overcrowding in a park, but if you looked in the distance there were huge open spaces with hardly anyone there.

  2. It is too bad that we have to be so aware of crowds. Maybe next year will be different.

  3. What a beautiful treatment of the shot.

  4. I like places where people are at a minimum, you can get better photos, Happy Easter btw
