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Sunday 22 October 2023

Storm Babet

Ever since they started naming storms, the weather seems to have got a bit above itself. It definitely has a swagger to it! Storm Babet swept in over the past few days, bringing torrential rain and high winds across much of the country. It was particularly bad over central and eastern Scotland, with widespread flooding. Yorkshire took a battering too, but thankfully I haven't heard of any floods in our local area. You can often judge how bad things are by where the river level in Roberts Park rises to. It's been known to flood right across the lower field, but this time it only spread over the footpath and had already receded by the time I went down to take these photos. You could see people were having to divert across the grass though, so the perimeter path must still have had some standing water.  The weir was rushing and foaming but, again, I've seen it worse. 


  1. I'm glad it passed by with little damage.

  2. Storms with names is a sad mimic from the hurricane naming...but all tropical storms also are bundled into it too...thus we go through the alphabet by this month, I think we're on T. I do remember years when they started Greek letters...I think....something other than just names. But having Babet shows your storms are still at the beginning of the alphabet. Hurricanes at least now have every other name as male. For all those years all damage had been caused by females. Wonder what that says about all those weathermen!
