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Tuesday 24 October 2023

I name this boat....

A walk along the canal side is enlivened by the huge variety of boats and their often very creative names. Here are a few. What would you name your boat? 

You probably know that Valium (Diazepam) is the name of a drug that calms the nerves and reduces anxiety. I guess, for some folk, boats may have a similar effect.  It certainly worked for this cat...


  1. Oh how fun, to think of a cat living on a boat. Nope, no idea here for naming my boat. I got as far as thinking of Barbara's boat, and went, nah, not for me.

  2. In the early years of our marriage, John and I had a sailboat that I named Dawn Treader (from the Narnia books.) Later he had Heron and then Slainte.

  3. Of course I must be partial to that dear cat.

  4. A school friend of mine had a canoe named "Slopalong Placidly"!
