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Sunday 23 July 2023

The Ugly Bug Ball

My granddaughters' tiny village primary school is lucky enough to have access to a sports field just across the road. Their Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) used it recently to have a school 'fun day' with stalls and games, raising money for the school. One edge of the field is gradually being transformed by the children into an orchard and wildlife/wildflower trail, and it was this area that had been decorated by all manner of bugs and insects that the children had created. Bees, made from plastic milk cartons, buzzed around the trees. 

A big blue dragonfly hovered there and my youngest granddaughter was proud to show me the colourful butterfly she and her friends had created.

There was an army of bright snails: 

and an impressive cricket. The sign said they chirp faster on hot days - and it was VERY hot and humid - so I imagined the chirping was loud! 



  1. A bit misleading to call them "ugly" bugs when they are so colourful - and vital to the health of the planet too. Well done, young artists!

  2. Beautiful! And looks like lots of fun

  3. It all looks like great fun.

  4. What fun and it’s so good to see that the children are being encouraged to take an interest in wildlife!
