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Monday 24 July 2023

The fire engine called

There was great excitement at the grandchildren's school fun day when the local fire crew from Todmorden arrived in their fire engine. They let the children climb in the cab and the crew space, and try on helmets and breathing apparatus. My grandgirls' grandfather was a fire fighter before he retired, which made it extra special for them. (I can remember years ago when their mum was a girl, she went with her dad to a 'Take Your Child to Work' Day! Thankfully they didn't go to a real fire but she still had a great time trying out hoses and learning about the firefighters' work at the Fire Training School.) 

I don't know if it's just me but firefighters, along with the police, seem to get younger all the time! 😂


  1. That's a different style engine than we have around here. But it has all the same particulars I'm sure. How great to see the kids learning about how they're put together. Yes, many young men now signing up for fire fighting. It's a good thing. Our police, not so much.

  2. Kids love a firetruck that's for sure.

  3. Some differences from the trucks here, I'd say.
