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Saturday 15 July 2023

Forest bathing

After the people, noise and bustle of the Rae Gala, it was soothing to walk the long way home, up through the wooded ravine that makes up one side of Northcliffe Park. It's so quiet here in the woods, and although the trees are all assuming that uniform shade of dull summer green (as opposed to the nuances of spring and autumn colour) the sunlight dappling through the branches did lift the scene into one of beauty. There's been lots of research that shows that walking slowly through a forest can be of huge benefit, lowering stress levels and boosting our immune system. Trees give us so much; it's good to appreciate them. 


  1. You can sense the peace and calm, even in just three photos! I love trees and I was brought up within a stone’s throw of beautiful woodland..and it’s how I learnt about the seasons as well as so much more! ( Sal https://salssnippets.blogspot.com/ )

  2. Wonderful walkway through the woods.

  3. That looks like such a peaceful walk.
