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Tuesday 4 July 2023

Kirkcudbright's doors and buildings

Dumfries and Galloway holiday 12

For some reason I love taking photos of doors, so I was in heaven in Kirkcudbright where they came in all sizes, colours and levels of ornamentation. Here is a selection, along with a few of the rather lovely buildings around the town. 


  1. I can think of only one building growing up that was purple, and it is likely it was repainted.

  2. That last building(s) at least had a yellow door open, showing signs of inhabitants...but I love the funny little tower extension above yellow door number 2!

  3. I love seeing brightly painted doors. These are fine ones.

  4. What a colourful place! That's a lovely collage of doors.

  5. A lovely selection of doors! Taking pictures of these various doors would be irresistible to me, too, if I were there in person.
