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Thursday 13 July 2023

Rae music

The first Sunday of July was the occasion of the annual Rae Gala, commemorating the gift of Northcliffe Park from the philanthropist Sir Norman Rae to the people of Shipley in 1920. I love it; it's quite a small event but a wholesome and very community-focused celebration. 

There was music by the Great Yorkshire Chorus, conducted by their gifted leader, Maria Mullin. Based in Saltaire, the choir has been in existence since 2018. Many of my friends and neighbours are in the choir (I might be, if only I wasn't deaf!) and it seems to be going from strength to strength. They have, I think, recently recorded their debut album. Maria has also written a musical: Salt - the Musical, telling the story of Sir Titus Salt. It has its premiere, a workshop performance, in November at the Bradford Playhouse. 

Music was also provided by the Hallroyd Band, a community brass band based at Northcliffe Church - and again I have close friends in the band. It gives me great joy to know that people I'm fond of are contributing to these creative and very professional endeavours, having a great time themselves and providing enjoyment to so many who come to listen. 


  1. Oh goodie, I know you'll go to that musical in November! The people who gather to make music as volunteers are sharing their talents with the community.

  2. You have quite a musical community.
