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Saturday 10 August 2024

Victoria Gate, Leeds

Life is weighted heavily towards doing things at home rather than having trips out at the moment. I did, however, meet a friend in Leeds for a chat and catch-up. We were going to the art gallery... totally forgetting that galleries and museums tend to close on Mondays (even in the school holidays!) So we contented ourselves with a coffee in the city centre and a quick look around the shops. 

When John Lewis department store first opened in Leeds, the year I retired, I envisaged spending half my life there! It's a shop I like and it sells good quality clothing and homewares. Prior to that, their nearest stores had been in Sheffield or Manchester - a long way to travel. In fact, I rarely find I need to shop in Leeds nowadays, though there are some good shops. I buy some things online but sometimes it's good to see before you buy. In this instance I only wanted heavy duty picture hooks and it seemed silly to order something so minor to be delivered. Anyway, John Lewis had just what I wanted. 

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