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Thursday 29 August 2024

A p*** up in a brewery

I've posted before about the old tramsheds at the top of Saltaire Road that are now converted into a bar/restaurant. (See HERE)  What I didn't really mention then was that the Salt Beer Factory (the brewery) is in the same premises at the back. The 'brewery tap' is open on certain days of the week and can be hired for private functions too. 

Inside you can see the huge stainless steel vats in which beer is brewed:

and some of the raw ingredients from which beer is made: 

There's also a large bar area, colloquially called the 'brewery tap'. I found some interesting thoughts on the difference between a 'taproom' and a 'bar', HERE

I don't know if you can read the neon sign up on the mezzanine level?  It says: 'P#*$ up in a brewery', which is part of a well-known slang saying: 'They couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery'. A 'piss up' is British slang for a drinking session, so if you couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery, you really are hopeless at organising things.

These are just a few of the beers the brewery produces - and some of the barrels outside. 


  1. That is a fun saying. We use it here too. Looks an interesting place to visit.

  2. It seems a curious anomaly that while pubs across the country are closing down there are still small breweries starting up and seemingly doing a good trade.

  3. I like to look behind the scenes at factories, breweries, shops - any place, really. The most fascinating I have ever been was probably the zoo here in Stuttgart. But breweries are great for tours, too, even to not-so-much-beer drinkers like myself (I am more of a wine/sparkling wine/cocktails person).

  4. I think of bars and tap rooms as synonymous, but pubs are more for food, however not quite as much as a restaurant which also may have a bar. Thus my ancient mind thinks anyway. I would enjoy trying a sampler of the beers produced in a tap room...those are always fun.

  5. There is a nice atmosphere in that place. I'd try it out for sure.
