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Monday 12 August 2024

Too hot

This is pretty much how I feel when it's too hot! Spotted in Saltaire. 😎

My flat gets much more sunshine than I expected, given that all the windows face west. The sun starts streaming in around 2.30pm and lasts all evening, which is lovely. Not that we've had a hot, sunny summer... The last week or two has been the best weather we've had and it has been pleasantly warm here in Yorkshire, rather than roasting hot (although other parts of the UK have been hotter). I do find overall that the flat is much warmer than I've been used to. I suppose it is more enclosed and better insulated than my previous, much older house and there is little 'through draught'. It seems to keep a steady 22-25°C. I've had to buy a very thin, 1 tog duvet and my electric fans are getting more use but it's been tolerable. It will be much easier to stay comfortable in winter, I think. I'm looking forward to reduced heating bills. 


  1. I expect to be sprawled out like that by this afternoon; 32 forecast later today.

  2. Don't we all know that feeling when it's hot. Glad your new home seems better for climate control.

  3. Dogs know how to handle the heat.
