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Tuesday 27 August 2024

Bhutia girl

Here's another postcard from the little collection I once amassed. It says very little but yet contains a wealth of 'story'. The postcard was printed in Germany but with a photograph that originates in Bombay and was distributed by the Universal Postal Union of British India. I can't quite read the postmark - maybe 10 Nov 1905?  Sent to a lady - Miss J Broadley, I think, in Blackpool (via Brindisi). The message is short and sweet: 'Kindly send me G's address. Haven't heard from him for months. Regards, H.

It's the picture I find most fascinating; such an attractive woman in an elaborate costume.  I'd never heard of the Bhutia people so I've looked up the reference. See HERE. 'The Bhutia are a community of Sikkimese people living in the state of Sikkim in northeastern India, who speak Drenjongke or Sikkimese, a Tibetic language fairly mutually intelligible with standard Tibetan. Bhutia here refers to people of Tibetic ancestry.' The Wikipedia entry has a photo of a young woman dressed very similarly, in silk with jewellery and prayer beads made of gold and precious stones.  



  1. An interesting mix of picture - who was the beautiful young woman, and what was her life like? - and story - who was G, and did the person sending the card get in touch with him eventually?

  2. Great photo which tells a story, one so different from my life here in the west. Interesting that the Bhutia people's language is similar to Tibetan...wonder which came first.
