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Tuesday 6 August 2024

Craning to see

I should have included this with my 'men at work' post from a few days ago, but I spotted it on a different day. Walking down Victoria Road past Salts Mill, I noticed this tall and rather elegant crane, somehow shoehorned into the middle of the mill. I have no idea what it was doing. They must have needed something big lifting from one area of the mill to another. They do seem to be doing some renovation or redevelopment in parts of the huge Victorian building, much of which has only gradually been lifted out of decay over the years. 

I do know that a new area, somewhere within the sprawling floorplan, has recently been developed to allow the Peace Museum to move from premises in Bradford city centre to the Mill. The new museum is scheduled to be opened on 10 August, so I will of course be going down to explore and see what that has to offer. 

The Wikipedia entry says: 'The Peace Museum, Bradford is the only museum dedicated to the history and (often untold) stories of peace, peacemakers and peace movements, in the UK.

The Peace Museum aims to engage, inform and inspire through: items in its collection and exhibitions of learning and education activities for all sectors of the community, schools, colleges and universities, focusing on local, national and international people, events and stories posing questions about equality, diversity, cohesion, peace and non-violence telling stories of peacemakers and peacemaking.

The museum asks visitors to consider peace and peacemaking as an active, as opposed to passive endeavour, a challenge and something that requires effort, asking "What could you do? What story will you tell". '


  1. An 'active' peace museum--what a good idea!

  2. I love this. A great premise to see peacemaking as active rather than passive. Whew, the term pacifist does mislead a bit.
