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Thursday 8 August 2024

'Everything going on alright'

Everything IS going on alright... except that I'm far too busy indoors to get outside taking photos. So I'm improvising, that is 'making do with whatever is available' to post about. I am currently trying to sort out my study, which was the area I was least successful in decluttering before I moved. Thus I am having a hard job to organise and find storage for all the items I brought with me. Unpacking the boxes is rather fun though. After five months or so, I have forgotten what I'd packed away so I'm getting some surprises. I've just uncovered a small envelope full of old postcards. Many years ago I had a short spell of buying old postcards from antiques shops. I just used to choose those that attracted me for one reason or another.  This one must have made me smile. It's addressed to Miss D somebody or other in Bognor, Sussex (I do have difficulty reading some cursive writing) and says: 'Just met ? (Mil?) in tearing hurry, five striking. Mr F ratty.  ? (Mil again?) sends her love. Got box and basket. Everything going on alright. Will write letter tonight. Tons of love ? '  It was posted in London (Putney). The franking mark says '08' so that could mean 1908, though that could simply be a sorting office number. 

I can't read the signature but if that is a man writing to his girlfriend then it seems to me an odd postcard to choose... "You're the only girl I ever loved" but with shadowy figures of all the other girls he ever loved in the background! Intriguing. I find postcards rarely say anything significant on the back. They must have been the olden day equivalent of a quick text, with the more important sentiments and messages sent in proper letters. Fun though. 



  1. Oooh, cool old post card. Yes, I'd think 1908 also. Funny choice indeed for a man to send that to his lady love...but they probably had a relationship where both would have chuckled about it, not taking it seriously. That's my guess.

  2. Wonderful, both front & back.

  3. Oh, I know the allure of old postcards and letters from unknown people. I have 'rescued' letters from the recycling center just for curiosity.

  4. I can read the title of the card, but now way with the text ! I am happy that I don't get any handwritten cards or letters any more !
