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Wednesday 3 July 2024

Yorkshire Lavender

Second stop of our mini-break was the Yorkshire Lavender farm at Terrington, its elevated position giving lovely views over the Vale of York. 

It has pretty gardens with flowers and herbs, a café and a gift shop. Unfortunately the lavender was barely in flower. Apparently it peaks in early August. I was a bit surprised as the pot of lavender on my balcony is in full bloom, but it seems there are many varieties and most flower a bit later on. Those that were just coming into flower seemed to be Lavandula augustifolia (English Lavender), which is what my pot contains too. 

It seems to be a good year for lupins and these were a gorgeous colour. 

I liked the spiky fractals of this umbelliferous plant, which I think may be angelica. 



  1. Aha, you made it - I remember you commenting that you intended to visit some lavender fields when I published some photos a few years ago. Mine were taken in very early August; I'd guess that yours may be a little later than that, allowing for altitude and latitude. Now you have to plan a return journey.

  2. Lavender is so pretty, and what a delightful aroma! I have 2 potted plants, different kinds...still waiting for blooms!

  3. My pot of lavender is in full bloom and the bees are loving it.

  4. I adore lavender but have only one small pot of it. I think I would be tempted to roll in one of those long rows of it (if I could get back up, which I couldn't!)
