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Saturday 27 July 2024

Hard work!

I've been working really hard to get my flat into shape, so hard that I have callouses on my hand from the paint roller I've been using! It is slowly but surely rising from the ashes, as it were, and becoming the home I hoped for. I'm building in some breaks, of course. Normal life has to go on. There are everyday chores to do, and exercise is necessary. I walked into Saltaire to stretch my legs and all I encountered were other people also working hard. 

There was the groundsman mowing the cricket pitch. 

There were contractors removing all the pontoons and temporary buildings that had been erected in the park for last weekend's Dragon Boat Racing. (I didn't go down this year; I was too busy with other things. It's more or less the same format every year and, whilst fun for those who participate and a great way to raise money for charity, photographically there's not much new.)

Such large scale events produce a lot of rubbish! 

In Saltaire village, I found scaffolders just finishing a structure around the Dining Hall, now part of Shipley College... and another up at the College's old school building...

and another at the almshouses. It must be the time for roof and stonework repairs. 

Finally, at Hirst Weir, there are big diggers doing some work to rearrange the boulders that have over the years broken down and spread the weir into a rocky cascade. I think they are trying to smooth out some of the slope so that fish can more easily make their way upstream to their spawning grounds. It happened to be the lunch break as I walked past. The machines were idle and the workmen were chatting and eating their sandwiches. 

After seeing all that hard work going on, I came home exhausted! 


  1. It certainly seems busy in your part of the world! So many hard working people! And all across our country there are so many with a fine work ethic, who toil hard, day in, day out, without even a mention.

    I hope that you get your painting finished soon and that your hands quickly recover!
    Have a good weekend! 😁

  2. There seems to be construction everywhere these days.

  3. Great collection of the building/changing/upgrading of your town! And you do sound like you've got the same efforts. Glad you took time out to find what others were doing.
