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Sunday 21 July 2024

Sunday meditation: Quiet in the woods

'Come with me to a quiet place and rest a while.' Mark 6:31

It's true that there is a special kind of peace and healing that comes from walking alone in woodland. The Scargill estate has many meandering paths and I relished my time there, drinking in all that peacefulness and the fresh green of abundant life: sturdy tree trunks interspersed with young saplings and graceful ferns. 

I've processed this image a little differently from my usual style to try and draw out that sense of calm. 


  1. There's a theory that all our favourite places are either sanctuaries or lookouts, where we can either hide away or have a view of what's coming - it's surprising how many photos adhere to this rule.

  2. It is a lovely photo and I like the softness that you've achieved.

  3. I feel calm just looking at this scene.

  4. I agree wholeheartedly about walking in the forest alone and drinking in the calmness and quietness. I like your quote too. I found this one too: "And into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul." I don't know who coined it.
