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Wednesday 17 July 2024

Simple delights

I was staying at the Christian community at Scargill House, near Kettlewell, which is a homely, welcoming and altogether wonderful place. I could sit at the windows all day just watching the clouds scud along the valley. The photo above was the view from the conference room we were using. It's taken through one of the huge windows and it was raining at the time so there are some reflections on the glass, but what an amazing view it is. 

The room where coffee is served has a range of bird feeders outside and I was thrilled at the variety of birds that were coming and going. In the space of about five minutes I saw: two collared doves, two pheasants (male and female), numerous chaffinches (including a parent feeding a young one), goldfinches, dunnocks, a variety of tits (great, blue, coal), siskins, a grey squirrel (interloper!) and finally a great spotted woodpecker, which was particularly thrilling.  The photo, taken on my phone through the window, is heavily cropped so not the best quality. 

In the walled garden, a young blackbird (I think) was curious rather than alarmed when I got out my camera and took its portrait.  

Other delights at Scargill include the food, (which I didn't take photos of but did enjoy), plentiful and fairly healthy except for the abundance of cake! One dessert that I particularly relished was a concoction of poached pears with an oat, almond and cinnamon crumble - must try to replicate it at home. It's also most enjoyable just chatting to fellow guests and community members. You meet some really interesting people there, with a huge range of skills and interests. The centre is set in a beautiful estate with attractive gardens - and all around is the stunning scenery of Upper Wharfedale. It has to be one of my favourite places in the world. 

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful to sit and see such beauty in view as well a bird visitors.
