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Monday 22 July 2024

In the dale

The route from Scargill House to Kettlewell village is a pleasant stroll, part of the Dalesway long-distance footpath. It meanders down a quiet lane and through grassy meadows, full of wildflowers at this time of year. The fields are separated by the Dales' typical drystone walls and punctuated by stone barns. 

I'm not that good at identifying wild flowers, but searching online has revealed that the prolific mauve/blue flowers on the roadside verge were meadow cranesbill, a type of geranium. 

There were patches of thistles:

and herb robert created a tapestry-like effect, with its pinkish flowers against leaves that had turned red, as they sometimes do. 


  1. Beautiful geometry of the stone walls. And I love the flowers you depicted, with our without names, after all they don't know their names! I love how the term in England is "verge" rather than shoulder of the road, as we often say.

  2. Even though my garden has a variety of flowers at the moment, I always feel more excited when I see wild flowers out in the countryside. Lovely photos! 😁
