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Monday 15 July 2024

Before and after: bathroom

Since I moved in to my new apartment in March, I've been steadily progressing with its refurbishment. Sadly, it was in a terrible state when I first arrived. Its previous owner had dementia and I don't think anything had been done for months, if not years. Certainly no decorating and not much cleaning by the state of things. So the first job was a thorough deep clean and, since then, I've been planning, researching, organising and deciding how I want it to look and function. These days there is so much choice but that doesn't make it any easier! You can't just say: 'Oh, I'll paint that white', as there are hundreds of shades of 'white' to choose from!

I'm still finishing off the decorating (doing most of it myself and it is hard work!) and then new carpets will be laid. More for my own record than any other reason, I've decided to post some 'before and after' pictures. The bathroom is now finished. I've never planned a bathroom from scratch before in my life and it's nerve-wracking, but I'm pretty happy with the way it's turned out. The cabinets look a bit greyer on these photos than they actually are; they are a soft grey-blue-green. 

It's not a very big room and has no window but I'm pleased with how light and bright it now seems, and I love how the colour scheme has worked out. 

And below is the 'before' (or at least what it looked like after I'd cleaned it, got rid of the mouldy shower curtain and fixed a new toilet seat. It didn't even have one before!)


  1. A new career as a bathroom designer beckons! It's often the case that small house = small bathroom which, when you think about it, makes very little sense since you still need enough space for one person.

  2. That's great looking. Love the soft grey to cut the porcelain white! Nice job there!

  3. Lovely! It makes a huge difference and looks great! 😁
