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Monday 20 May 2024

The western sky

I'm absolutely loving being able to see sky from my windows, after years of living low down in the valley, surrounded by houses and trees. There haven't been any really spectacular sunsets (that I've noticed, anyway) but the sky constantly changes and provides an endless source of joy and wonder. 

Having said that, I stupidly slept through the recent, amazing display of the Northern Lights, strongly visible across much of the UK.  I'm pretty sure I could have seen it from here, judging from other's photos I've seen in the area. 

The thing that looks like some kind of creature climbing the church tower is a communications antenna. The church receives a small amount of 'rent' for hosting it. 


  1. Glad to hear that you're enjoying the grandstand view of the skies from your new home. I've given up on ever seeing the Northern Lights!

  2. Many of us joined you in sleeping and then seeing other more industrious (?) sleep deprived photographers' works of the aurora. Love the scene you can now photograph with pretty skies. I wouldn't have noticed the thing on the side of the tower!

  3. The blue sky is wonderful.

  4. Lovely photos! And the church tower is a great feature.

  5. The castle seems out of time like a relic.

  6. We also did not see the Northern lights in Nashua, NH, as skies were too cloudy. Glad you have better window views in your new location and you captures some wonderful scenics.
