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Thursday 23 May 2024


My walk from Blubberhouses was enlivened by the many sheep and lambs in the meadows. I don't mind walking through fields of sheep (don't like cattle!) The lambs were both curious and a little spooked by humans in close proximity. They bleat - 'Mama, mama' - and dash for safety by their mother's flanks, then from that comforting place they peer out at this new world they have found themselves in. 

There were sheep in the church as well. In another small act of welcome, knitted sheep were hiding all over the place for children to discover. I might be grown-up but I too enjoyed seeking them out. Here's a selection. (I particularly like the one - top right - that manages to look like a cross between a sheep and an Orthodox priest!)  


  1. Loved seeing both versions on sheep today! I totally agree with the priest-lamb!

  2. Sweet little lambs - real and knitted.

  3. Walking through a sheep field would be better than doing the same in a cattle or cow pasture.
