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Wednesday 22 May 2024

Little church on a hill

I had the opportunity to call in the little church on the hill beside the car park at Blubberhouses, when I was walking in the area. I've often seen it and wondered what it was like inside. From the outside it reminds me of an Icelandic church, for some reason. The inside, however, is pure Anglican. It's full title is St Andrew's Church, Blubberhouses. It was built as a 'chapel of ease' in 1850 by Lady Frankland Russell, so that her estate workers didn't have to walk all the way to Fewston Parish Church to worship. For more detail of its history, see HERE. It was threatened with closure but in 2015 'Friends of Blubberhouses Church' was formed, dedicated to supporting, preserving and improving the church. They look to be doing a good job. It felt very welcoming. Astonishingly, there was an invitation to visitors to help yourself to a cup of tea or coffee - a kettle and mugs, teabags, coffee and dried milk all provided in the tiny kitchen. So we did, enjoying a very good Yorkshire cuppa, sitting in the sunshine on the bench outside the church. And yes, I washed up afterwards! 

The windows had a tracery pattern with tiny inset coloured panes, rather pretty, especially with the sunlight streaming in. I always love that. 

There was a little prayer tree where you could attach prayers and requests for prayer. The lectern bible was open at Job 16. With Donald Trump's trial going on in the US, it seemed an apt few verses! 

Just a note on the village name 'Blubberhouses'... It apparently derives from the Anglo-Saxon bluberhūs = "the house(s) which is/are at the bubbling stream". At one time there was lead mining in the area, and a flax mill. It's a tiny village now, with only about 40 inhabitants.


  1. So calm and quiet. Beautiful windows.

  2. It seems like a pretty little church.

  3. OK, I'm just amazed there's a place called Blubberhouses. Thanks for some background on it. I love the tiny little church on the hill, both inside and out. I'm guessing that's a sheep on the hill also.

  4. What a lovely little church! I love your photos of the wimdows.
