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Wednesday 15 May 2024

People Powered

During the Arts Trail, printers were working in the roof space in Salts Mill. They have a base in Saltaire where they have The People Powered Press, the biggest letterpress printing press in the world, which they use for printing large scale letterpress works, in collaboration with numerous community groups, schools, artists and writers. They have also devised a flexible, modular type system called Brico, consisting of four shapes that can be used to design letters in unique styles. Visitors were having a go at designing and then inking up and printing letters, albeit on a smaller printing machine. 

Some displays in the huge roof space showed words that had been designed and printed by various community groups. 

'Home, safety, freedom' was a powerful statement created by members of BIASAN (Bradford Immigration and Asylum Support Network), who were reflecting on what their home in Bradford means to them. It was displayed in Bradford's City Park in 2022. 

'I have heard the ice cracking' was taken from the work of children at Saltaire Primary School, writing poems about their concerns and hopes for our environment and planet. 



  1. The BRICO shapes look like fun to play with.

  2. I have also heard the ice cracking...children's poems should be about joy.
