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Thursday 16 May 2024

Lost mills and memories

Also in Salts Mill's roof space, as part of the Arts Trail, two textile pieces pay homage to the history of our textile mills and their workforce. There is currently a focus on collecting the memories of Bradford's older mill workers, to map the area's heritage and acknowledge its diverse communities.

The one shown above and below was called 'Layering Cultures' by Alison Walsh, representing the voices of the many migrant workers who came to work in our mills in the 20th century. She has created a multi-layered bolt of cloth incorporating pieces from clothing worn by millworkers, combining hand and machine stitching and text. I don't know that you can read it but one of the lines of text says: 'And I remember there was snow all over'.

The other piece: 'A Cloth for the Lost Mills' by Hannah Lamb and Hannah Robson, is a large, finely woven and printed cloth, inspired by site visits to some of the lost or derelict textile mills in the area. It references the skill and dexterity of the workers and motifs from some of the mill buildings. Once created, they took the cloth to some of the lost mill sites and it was photographed by Carolyn Mendelsohn. 

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