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Saturday 11 May 2024

Craft for Climate

Over 200 volunteers (from the local WI [Women's Institute] and various other groups) knitted a display to highlight climate change. Each scarf represents a year between 1853 (when Saltaire was founded) and 2023, from left to right and the colour signifies the average temperature in Bradford for that year. Shown in this way, it is very clear to see the warming trend and the soaring temperatures of the last few years.

Local schools had been involved too. The poster below was made by pupils from Saltaire Primary School. 

I made close-up images of the scarves around my own year of birth (cool - although the year after appears to have bucked the trend), that of my daughter (warmer) and those of my granddaughters (even warmer). The difference is plain to see and I find it shocking that we have been (are still being!) so slow to wake up to the damage we are doing to our planet. 


  1. How wonderful to see textile arts reflecting upon climate change. A great statement for both of them!

  2. That certainly gets the point across.
