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Monday 13 May 2024

Having a breather

Thankfully the weather was pretty good for this year's Saltaire Arts Trail and it was nice to see people exploring the exhibitions, the Makers' Fair and the Open Houses, and relaxing in the gardens of the Victoria Hall. There were fewer Open Houses this year and it all felt (to me) more manageable and less overwhelming. It's much better to be able to take your time to appreciate the artwork on display, rather than rushing from one place to the next, trying to see everything. 

The Saltaire Art Gallery is a recent addition to our main street. It has been opened by artist and art teacher Nina Hunter, as a base for her Art School, where she runs workshops, and as a gallery for her own work and that of other artists.  Next door, the queue for coffee, sandwiches and burgers at Digin's Hut was quite long. I've never had food from there but it always seems popular. 


  1. It seems like your town is thriving.

  2. I'm quite happy to hear of a manageable art stroll. Here in the mountains, we used to drive cars to all the studios. Our garden stroll is coming up next week, which is always enjoyable, but again, one must drive between the houses. I haven't decided if I'll do it or not.

  3. What fun an art stroll is and to see the artists at work and their creations is a wonderful experience. There is only one art event in Nashua, NH, and it is held in mid-August in a local park.
