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Tuesday 7 May 2024

Spring bulbs

The two containers I planted with spring bulbs (narcissus and tulips) to grace my new apartment's balcony have been a lovely burst of colour. Their flowers have faded now, leaving the mess of leaves and stalks - at which point (not being 'a gardener') I never know quite what to do with them! 

They don't have that problem at RHS Harlow Carr and their planters were still a riot of bright colour. 

There were some Crown Imperials (Fritillaria imperialis) in one of the borders. Strange to my eyes, they remind me of birds - or hats! 

My photographer's eye (rather than perhaps a gardener's eye) enjoyed this lone and rather blowsy tulip, surrounded by interesting textures and shapes. 


  1. They are all so lovely, my favorite are the "hats"!

  2. I love those planters full of flowers.

  3. A home gardener always has the same question after the blooms have gone, so you are not alone, Jenny. These planters were very colorful!
