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Saturday 20 April 2024

Lively young things

I may not, myself, have been feeling very lively as I made myself trudge along the river path for the sake of the exercise, but there were several lively youngsters sculling smoothly up and down the river. The weekend seems to be the time when training takes place at the rowing club and there are usually coaches at strategic intervals along the bank, shouting guidance and encouragement. There must have been five or six boats using the stretch of river between the aqueduct and the weir. 

Another lively young thing that was diving and surfacing rapidly up and down the same stretch of water turned out to be a cormorant. It was too far away to get a decent photo on my phone. They are not rare but they are sufficiently uncommon hereabouts to be a source of interest and pleasure when I spot one. 


  1. That always looks such a lonely and strenuous way to exercise. (Says he who used to walk alone for days at a time!)

  2. Small world! We have them here too, though they may not be common here either.

  3. Rowing is such an elegant looking sport.

  4. I love sighting cormorants! Sometimes they are in our waterways around here, but not that often, or I'm not there when they are! Rowing looks so easy, but the muscles needs are well beyond me!

  5. Those little boats seem to move so effortlessly--quite lovely to watch.
