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Tuesday 23 April 2024

An honour

The camera club I belong to meets in Addingham church hall through the autumn and winter months. Mostly therefore we arrive and leave in the dark. With the Easter break being fairly early this year, the last couple of meetings of this season have been a little later in the calendar than some years and it has been daylight when we've arrived. Getting there a little ahead of time this week (not much traffic on the way) it was lovely to discover all the cherry trees on the church drive in full blossom. They are mature trees and made a fine sight. I had time to take a few photos - on my phone as I don't take my camera to the camera club! 😂

The last meeting of the season is traditionally our AGM. We look back at all the images that gained awards in our year's competitions. Trophies and certificates are given out. To my great surprise I was awarded the Fairbrother Trophy, for services to the camera club, in recognition of the part I played in helping steer the club through the upheaval of the Covid pandemic. I was not expecting that and feel very touched and honoured that my contribution has been valued. It all feels like quite a long time ago now, doesn't it, but at the time it was really very disruptive and called for some radical thinking. Thankfully, photography as a visual hobby adapted quite well to meetings on Zoom - indeed we have carried on holding some Zoom get-togethers, as well as returning to the hall once the worst of the crisis was over. With hindsight, I think it had quite a positive effect overall. We all realised afresh how much we value the interaction with others, sharing our passion for photography. I think it has made us a more relaxed and friendly club, increasing the ways in which people can interact and socialise. We have informal meetings on Zoom and a lively programme of summer outings, which are valuable for sharing new photographic experiences and locations, as well as the chance to chat and get to know people better. 

Now then, all I need to do is to find a place to display the trophy, somewhere in my new flat! I might as well enjoy it. It's rather a grand thing, with a history dating back to 1969 (which to me doesn't sound that old - and then I realise that's 55 years ago! )


  1. Congratulations! It's already getting difficult to remember just how disruptive the pandemic was and how many changes had to take place in our daily lives at that time.

  2. Congrats on the award. Do you get to keep that grand trophy?

  3. Congratulations - sounds like well deserved!

  4. How wonderful to be acknowledged and honored with that particular trophy. I saw a few posts in my facebook memories of April 2020 when all retail, entertainment and food services had to be curtailed...remember standing in lines 6 feet apart? Well, no wonder some folks just denied the whole thing and carried on. We stared at them while they shopped without face masks. Glad that you got those cherry blossom photos with your iPhone.

  5. Congratulations on a well-deserved honour! (And what beautiful trees!)
