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Friday, 19 April 2024


As yet, we seem to have had none of those balmy days when you feel 'spring is in the air'. It's been too wet and windy, despite some days with quite warm temperatures. Patience is not a particular virtue of mine and I find I'm really longing for that sense that I usually get at this time of year, of new life springing up and better times ahead. Mother Nature, however, is not taking any notice and, when I walked beside the river, signs of spring were everywhere. The trees are beginning to transform with their fresh green froth of new leaves. There are wood anemones and celandines:

The wild garlic is beginning to unfurl its buds:

There are even some bluebells in flower on the south-facing slopes beside the river (though the more sheltered areas in the woodland didn't seem to have a blue haze as yet). 

It's just that I'm not 'feeling it'... 

I think the past few months, up to my house move, have been so stressful that I'm still recovering. I'm trying to eat, sleep and exercise healthily but a dreadful fatigue can quickly creep up on me. Some days I feel like my limbs are made of lead. I'm sure it will pass. It doesn't help that I'm still living in a certain amount of chaos, with boxes everywhere. The flat needs a new bathroom, complete redecoration and new flooring so, until that's done, there is little point in unpacking apart from what I'm using on a daily basis. As I said earlier, patience is not my forté and I would like it all done NOW, without the wait for trades to be scheduled and all the prep that needs doing. But, just like Mother Nature, it will all unfold in its own time. 


  1. Oh dear, you're camping out in your new home! No wonder you're waiting for the feeling of spring to happen. Loved seeing some flowers that I never see! So glad nature is doing a slow but steady start there...south facing and along warm water (comparatively of course) gives opportunity for new buds!

  2. Hopefully spring arrives and fills you with energy as you are able to get out a lot again and leave the chaos at home.
