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Wednesday 8 November 2023


I have to confess that I've never been to Rievaulx before, even though it is a renowned beauty spot. In North Yorkshire, some 60 miles from here, it's felt almost too far for a day trip and too near for a longer stay. However, a friend was driving so I happily went along. We'd been elsewhere for most of the day and just drove back via Rievalux so we didn't go into the site of the Abbey itself. You can get a good view, anyway, from the approach road. The village itself, with old stone cottages and red pantile roofs, is very attractive. 

On the photo above you can perhaps just see a small temple in the woodland above? That is Rievaulx Terrace, an 18th century garden now cared for by the National Trust. It was built to take advantage of the view over the ruined Abbey. That was actually where we were heading, but found it was closed. 

A horse added to the scenic view along the road. He was uninterested in us, patiently standing by the wall. The reason for that became clear as we left. Another horse walked up to the gate opposite, on the other side of the road. Two horsey friends obviously having a good chat to end the day... I bet it's a regular date! 


  1. That horse has a lovely place to live.

  2. Such a pleasure to wander with you! I like this horse as well. Aloha

  3. What a great photo of horse with the ruin behind him! Not everyday that happens, unless maybe you live there.
