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Sunday 12 November 2023

More fallen leaves

Autumn seems not to have lasted long this year. The colour only really began to show a week or two ago and now many of the leaves have fallen. Some go straight to mush; others, like these cherry leaves (I think) glow, where they have fallen, like a pile of rubies. I sometimes wonder what people think when they see me crouched down on the pavement having a close look. I hope they are simply impressed that I can get up again! 


  1. I'm so glad you can get up again! Getting down for closeups is tricky, and that's great that you keep doing it. We benefit by seeing the photos.

  2. That's a great little scene - wish I'd seen that! I admit to cheating a little by zooming in a bit from a standing position - the trouble then is that sometimes my cap falls off and sends leaves in all directions, seldom improving the picture!

  3. What a gorgeous natural omposition!

  4. There are little spots of beauty everywhere at this time of year.
