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Thursday 9 November 2023

Barking mad

I'm fascinated just lately by the different types of tree bark. I find it hard to ID trees but I think these three images may be the bark of mature sweet chestnut trees: deeply fissured with ridges that spiral up around the trunk. (I may be wrong!)

As to the specimen below... it's a symmetree!  One of the monthly themes for my online photo group was 'symmetry' so I had a little play in Photoshop. I like how this technique makes the trunk look a bit like a totem pole. 


  1. Somehow the second one looks like a living creature. Alive like a monster, not alive like a tree. 😂

  2. Great photos! The second manipulated one is really amazing.

  3. I love finding art and patterns in tree bark. see herehttps://diane-adventurebeforedementia.blogspot.com/2008/12/bark-art.html
