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Thursday 11 May 2023

Pink petalled road

All good things come to an end... There's more cherry blossom on the ground now than on the branches and for some reason I haven't done a very good job this year of capturing its beauty in that brief window when the trees were in exuberant bloom. It has seemed a shorter season than normal to me - or at least less notable - but perhaps that's more about me than reality. (Things do seem to speed up when you get to my age! 😬 ) Never mind, for a brief moment I followed the Pink Petalled road - as opposed to the Yellow Brick one. Even better.


  1. Good choice there. I think our blossom seasons change due to weather (rain, wind, very hot) and can be shorter due to those changes. That's my answer and I'm sticking to it, says someone in the elder category!

  2. It sure looks like it is leading you somewhere magical.
