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Sunday 6 October 2024

Canal complements

I stood on the bridge over the canal for ages, just enjoying the ever-changing light and reflections in the water.  The honey colour of the stonework of the New Mill coupled with a blue sky makes for a colour palette with a high impact. Blue and yellow are opposite each other on the colour wheel, known as 'complementary colours'.  

Which reminds me that when I was selling my previous house, the agent's brochure initially described the kitchen-diner as having a 'complimentary work surface' instead of complementary. I think I'd quite like a complimentary one mind you.... 'My goodness, that cake looks nice!' or even 'You look lovely today' would be cheering to hear in the kitchen. 😂

1 comment:

  1. Haha, that made me laugh - a good example of how changing a single letter in a word can turn it to a totally different meaing.
    Yellow is my favourite colour, especially when teamed with blue or grey.
