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Tuesday 17 September 2024

The Produce and Crafts tent

Most village fetes have a Produce and Crafts tent, and Blackshaw Head was no exception. There was a variety of home-grown veg on show, and some rather pretty flower arrangements. (The gift for creating these has completely passed me by, so I do appreciate seeing the skill of others.)

Likewise, crafts like kitting, crochet and embroidery - and these rather lovely colourful quilts:

There was baking too; cakes and breads, all looking rather delicious:

In the children's section, there were some amazing models made out of recycled waste. One of my granddaughter's friends had created the cheeky seagull, who'd managed to make off with someone's ice cream. A trio of paper-plate crabs were rather effective too. 

My granddaughter herself had submitted an intricate Lego model, for which she was awarded a Highly Commended certificate. Close inspection of it revealed all manner of tiny creatures nestling in the garden. 

She is good at puzzles and was delighted to win a (nother!) stuffie in a memory game on one of the stalls. She informed me that it is a Disney character called 'Stitch': 'a genetically engineered, extraterrestrial life-form resembling a blue koala'. (So now we know.) 


  1. Lovely post. You might have missed out on craft genes but you sure make up with photography abilities.

  2. Very creative and inviting displays :)

  3. It's always surprising how many talented people there are. A man who worked with me on the farm regularly picks up prizes; we all knew he was a keen gardener but he now wins with his photography, his baking and his marmalade making.

  4. I guess the person(s) who decided on pink polkadot table clothes thought it better than white (too garish) or black (too hot). But it did make it difficult to photograph! Mmm, maybe a blue or purple? Anyway, you did a good job in spite of the brightness. And congrats to your granddaughter. I like Stitch, though I don't think I've seen him in the movies...and am unlikely to.

  5. There are so many people out there with talents that we don't see every day and then we are surprised. Nice post.

  6. I'd have loved to have a look at everything in the produce and crafts tent! The quilts would be a little too colourful for me, but quilting itself is a craft I admire (never having tried it myself). Well done, your granddaughter!
