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Wednesday 11 September 2024

Everything in the garden is lovely

As you would expect of the Royal Horticultural Society, everything in the gardens at Harlow Carr is lovely. Whether that be sunflowers, nearing their end but still adding a bright splash of colour  - or a mixed border in the kitchen garden:

A few interesting sculptures, like these kinetic 'sycamore seeds' that constantly move in the breeze...

Abundant produce in the vegetable areas: espaliered apple trees were laden with glossy fruit and I saw (for the first time, as far as I'm aware) chickpeas growing: 

These vibrant blooms are commonly called autumn crocus but their proper name is Colchicum autumnale (meadow saffron). Their blooms flower in autumn before the leaves appear. 

Oh and I do love a big, exuberant planter and they are very good at them at Harlow Carr:


  1. Amazing how much is still in bloom. Maybe I need to plan a quick garden visit before it's too late this year.

  2. Love seeing chickpeas growing (also a first for me). Those crocus (what I'd call them) look like what I think saffron comes from...but it may be a cousin of theirs. And what a lovely way to grow apples!

  3. I've never seen chickpeas growing either. Lovely planters.

  4. Beautiful and a real early autumn treat!

  5. The photos are all so lovely.
