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Thursday 26 September 2024

Festival crowds

The second weekend of Saltaire Festival really pulls in the crowds. It mainly consists of street food stalls, bars and music. It's less 'local' and much more commercial but, especially when the sun shines as it did on Saturday, it attracts hordes of people. 

Exhibition Road (above) is one long assortment of street food kiosks, sweets and treats, and a few stalls selling jewellery, clothing and trinkets. Caroline Street car park had a large caravan/tent serving alcoholic drinks, with lots of tables and chairs set out on the tarmac, and a small music stage. 

Victoria Road (above and below) had a steady stream of people moving up and down between the village and the park. Unlike previous Festivals, the roads in the village centre were closed to traffic, which made it much safer. These scenes always remind me of the old Edwardian photos you sometimes see, of mill workers hurrying home or bank holiday crowds on their way up to Shipley Glen. 

There was a charity market in the grounds of the church and an art show in the church itself. (Photo taken from the church steps. That's part of Salts Mill in the background.)

However, when it came to getting across to the park, the narrow footbridge across the river (above) was so very crowded that I thought better of joining the crush. Had I crossed, in the park there were more food stalls, a market and a large stage with a weekend-long programme of bands and music. I could even hear the music from the grounds of my flat half a mile away! 

The theory is that it's 'good for Saltaire' to host so many people. The truth is that it doesn't really bring in much extra money for local businesses. (Dig In's food shop and the baker's in the village often have queues outside but they were nearly empty on Saturday, people favouring the plethora of street food stands instead.) It does, no doubt, benefit the local Council who I'm sure charge the traders for their pitches - though someone also has to fork out for security. Roads are closed and it all needs stewarding. It's fun in a way but I much prefer the annual Arts Trail weekend which takes place earlier in the year.


  1. Goodness, it looks busy! Too busy for my liking, really, and just like you, I would certainly not have attempted to get on that bridge.

  2. Where on earth did all the people come from? And where did they park, if they were not local? I'm one to avoid crowds, and that bridge-full would certainly have turned me around.

  3. I'm not a fan of huge crowds either so would avoid that I think.
    There is an event here that closes a major road and often those who have restaurants or shops along it don't do very well on those days either. People seem to line up for the small kiosks.

  4. Nope. The period of isolation for Covid made me see that I was much happier avoiding crowds.
