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Monday 2 September 2024

Valley Gardens candids

I recently spent a pleasant hour or two in Harrogate's Valley Gardens, on a lovely summery day, with friends from my camera club. We met at the garden's main entrance, which is just across the road from the Royal Pump Rooms (above), where people used to congregate to drink the spa water that made Harrogate into a famous town. 

I took quite a few photos and, unusually for me, I found myself capturing a few 'candids' of people enjoying the warm, sunny day in the park. 

I had a feeling that the park warden often sat on that bench for a break and had probably encountered the same lady a number of times. They were having quite a lengthy chat. 

I fancied that the dog was wondering why he didn't get an ice-cream too. His little pink tongue was hanging out. They do make ices for dogs nowadays. 

Another couple were also enjoying ice cream, mirroring each other in the way people in relationships often do. 

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