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Friday 6 September 2024


In late summer, for as long as I can remember, there has been a dahlia border in Harrogate's Valley Gardens. In fact, I can recall getting very excited photographing the blooms years ago when I first started to get interested in photography. I don't have any of those images now... I wonder if my skills have improved? 

There can't be that many flowers that show such a huge variety of form and colour: from simple, open, single-layered petals to pompoms and complex tubular structures, some very neat, some almost ragged looking. I'm never quite sure whether I actually like them. I wouldn't have them cut in a vase in my home, but there's a certain fascination to them and they bring a wonderful burst of colour to the garden. 


  1. Nothing says "late summer" like dahlias!

  2. I always seem to end up with a few dahlias - either tubers that I've managed to keep from the previous year or surplus from my brother. I rather like to have just a single dahlia bloom in a narrow vase in my kitchen window.

  3. Those are so beautiful and varied! I've never grown any myself.

  4. They are beautiful. I have never tried to grow them.
