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Sunday 1 September 2024

IKEA rainbow

In the process of moving house, there are some places I've been visiting far more frequently than usual. One of them is the municipal tip/recycling plant. (The guys there almost know me by name!) The other is IKEA. I had been to visit my sister and it was a long drive home, held up by congestion at roadworks on the motorway. There is a large IKEA store southwest of Leeds, just off the M62, so I decided to break the journey there, even though it wasn't long since my last visit. But there were a couple of storage items I needed and knew I could get there - and it has a café and loos. When I came out it was pouring with rain and I'd left my jacket in the car so I got soaked! There was, however, the most magnificent double rainbow I have ever seen, so near you felt you could almost touch it. So big that even my wide-angle phone could not capture more than half of it in one shot.


  1. Wow! That is some rainbow! Magnificent is the right word for it.
    Thank you for sharing this with us.
    It's been ages since I've last been to IKEA; we have a big store here on the outskirts of town, but there hasn't been anything I needed or wanted recently (not moving house or redecorating or anything).

  2. That’s a beautiful photo…well captured! Shame that you got so wet! 😆

  3. Wow, never would have thought to look for the pot of gold at Ikea, but then again, they do have treasures galore!
