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Monday 9 September 2024

Misty, moisty

It seemed a dull day, not promising for a walk, but I wanted the exercise so I went out anyway. I was glad I had, as it was warm - humid even - and very still, with not a breath of wind. There'd been rain overnight so it was slightly misty and there was everywhere that wonderful scent of warm, damp earth: petrichor. 

I did my usual circuit, out along the canal, back along the river and through the park. Some people may think it's boring doing the same few walks over and over but I love it. It's never 'the same' two days running, always something new to notice.  There were quite a few other folk about (more than my photos would suggest). The schools were just starting their autumn term but in a phased return, so there seemed to be quite a few grandparents shepherding their grandchildren, as well as the usual crop of dog-walkers. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood; lots of 'good mornings' and 'hellos' and even a few people who stopped for a light chat along the way. 

It felt very much a transitional time, with a few trees already beginning to show a little autumn colour, though it was only the start of 'meteorological autumn'. 

The river was surprisingly still, hardly discernibly moving, despite the recent rain. There must have been fish near the surface... plenty of ripples and, once, a 'plop' so loud that it actually made me jump! 

I returned feeling peaceful and at ease; even stopped for a coffee at the park café, though as soon as I sat down it began to drizzle and, by the time I got home, the rain had set in. 


  1. Even just reading about your beautiful walk and looking at the pictures gets me into that peaceful mode!
    I couldn't agree more with you about the topic of a walk repeated often, and how it is never exactly the same, no matter how many times one has walked the same path before. Sometimes, to add a little variety, I repeat a walk but in the opposite direction.
    Also, like you, I love petrichor! It's been a while since I last had the pleasure of smelling that, though.

  2. Your walk sounds delightful! I love how you find joy in the familiar routine and notice the small changes each day. The way you describe the warmth, the petrichor, and the friendly interactions really brings the experience to life. It’s inspiring to appreciate the simple pleasures in daily life. Thanks.

  3. I know what you mean Jenny - I keep walking the same paths over and over as well, and with shifting seasons it's really never quite the same, and especially when one has the opportunity to walk along a river etc.

  4. Beautiful photos full of a peaceful walk...and I finally looked up how to pronouce petrichor.... 'Kor" not chor. Also a fan of repeat walking ways!

  5. The timing for your walk was perfect.
