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Wednesday 18 September 2024

Circus skills

One of the main rings was set up for 'circus skills' and you could have a go at walking a tightrope, as well as learning to juggle and hula-hoop. Later on, the two artistes gave a show in which they demonstrated fire-eating, among other skills. ('Don't try this at home, children.') I don't know if you can tell from the photo below but he is balancing a burning torch in his nostril! 

They were juggling, and then rolling crystal spheres around so that the balls almost looked alive and propelled by some mysterious force. 

Then, balancing a bucket on a club, he invited the watching children to try to pitch plastic balls into the bucket, after which there was general mayhem! All quite impressive and good fun. 


  1. There was a time when "circus skills" became quite the trendy thing among some of my younger work colleagues. We got used to people phoning in sick having fallen from a unicycle.

  2. Years ago I could juggle but I think I have lost the knack now.
