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Thursday 13 June 2024

The auditorium

Harrogate Theatre's auditorium is of traditional design, with stalls, a circle and an upper circle, and some boxes at the sides. It reminded me of when I was child and my parents took our family to the theatre in Nottingham to see a pantomime. My father hired a box for us all and I felt very grand sitting there in our exclusive little pod, although you do get a rather skewed view of the stage from the side. I think boxes were originally intended not so much for viewing the performance as for the occupants to be seen by others in the audience (ie: 'the Royal Box') and for them to be able to survey the general scene from on high.  

My camera's lens wasn't wide enough to take in the full sweep of the auditorium, either from the front of house or the stage. However, these pictures give a flavour of what it is like. It was once very 'grand' and is still quite functional, if rather shabby and worn in parts.  


  1. Love the old fashioned theatres. It doesn't look too shabby.

  2. Such a wonderful room...there are so many echoes from thespians just flowing around under the seats, up and around, it makes me dizzy!

  3. It still looks quite grand to me.
